Privacy Policy

Effective 1st October 2013

This Privacy Policy describes the type of information disclosed to facilitate the usage of the Bank Management Console / Bank Portal for access to the mobile point of sales (MPOS) application provided by us Fass Payment Solutions Sdn. Bhd (“Fasspay”) to yourself (‘the Bank”), and how we use the information you provide through the Bank Portal. We assure you, our customer, that all information provided by you, will be held in confidence by us and will not be disclosed to any third party for any purposes without us first obtaining your consent.

What Information Does Fasspay Gather?

Fasspay has no access rights and is unable to access any of the information that may be input and/or processed using the Bank Portal. The Bank Portal may only be accessed by authorised Hong Leong Bank staff from Hong Leong Bank’s premises. In the event that Hong Leong Bank grants Fasspay access to the system for the purposes of maintenance, troubleshooting or upgrades, we assure you that we will maintain strict confidentiality of any information and will not disclose such information to any third party without your express, written consent.

Merchant Information

This relates to information that renders merchants personally identifiable and required to register the merchant for use of the Bank’s MPOS facilities. The information collected includes personal information like name, age, date of birth, gender, NRIC, mobile number and email address.

Customers’ Card Details

Card details (Name, Primary Account Number, Credit Card Number, PIN) will be stored within the Hong Leong’ Bank’s secured server.

Location Services and Data

At the point of each transaction, the app will capture the GPS coordinates of the location of the transaction, accurate up to a ten kilometres (10 km) radius. This is to ensure that mobile readers are only being used within a merchant’s registered place of business. Location details are stored within the Bank for use in case of the event of a customer dispute, to prove that a transaction has taken place.

Customers’ SMS and Email

The application will request for the customer’s mobile phone number or email address in order to send an electronic receipt to the customer, in place of a physical sales receipt. The data is not stored within the mobile device, or application, but only within the Bank’s server.

Transaction Details

Details of each transaction captured and sent via the MPOS application to us include the MID, TID, time, location, total amount and card application used to process the transaction.

Security, Privacy & Disclosure of Information

It is the responsibility of the Bank to protect the privacy of information transmitted, entered and stored via the MPOS system’s Bank Portal at all times. Fasspay cannot guarantee that any data transmission online and/or through electronic channels is completely secure, as such, we shall not be held responsible nor liable for any damages or losses the Bank may suffer, whether directly or indirectly, as a result of the Information being stolen, tampered with, copied, abused, misused or otherwise violated.

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